The Wrangler Horse and Rodeo News

TW Digital 05-05-21

The WRANGLER Horse and Rodeo News is an equine and rodeo publication with circulation in Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota, Utah and Idaho.

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2 The WRANGLER, Horse and Rodeo News • May 5-19, 2021 Wri en by Hope Raley MSK Guide is the future of diagnos c ultrasound imaging when it comes to musculoskeletal problems commonly found in pa ents today. MSK Guide, which is an acronym for musculoskeletal (MSK) Guided Ultrasound Injec on & Diagnos c Experts (GUIDE), was started in 2017 in Phoenix, Arizona. There was one goal in mind; to create a pa ent-friendly environment which includes comprehensive diagnos c imaging and powerful regenera ve therapy injec ons, all in one visit. Founded by Rachel Jablon-O'Grady, MSK GUIDE u lizes the same ultrasound that is seen every day when looking at babies in utero. It is a non- invasive, highly accurate applica on of ultrasound technology that gives a clear dynamic evalua on of the joint and so ssue pain. Jablon-O'Grady, who grew up knowing all things ultrasound thanks to her father who engineered ultrasound equipment, created MSK Guide thanks to her own experience in mainstream medicine. "When I was a child, I developed an illness which le me paralyzed from the neck down called Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)," explained Jablon- O'Grady. "I was very vulnerable and I didn't have the best experience with some of the doctors or healthcare providers." Jablon-O'Grady wanted to develop a system that didn't treat pa ents like just another name on a chart. "There is really no personalized experience when it comes to most healthcare today. I am frustrated by mainstream medicine where the pa ents are shuffled through the system, told to have all these expensive tests and then never really given a clear diagnosis. They are given pills to take, sent for physical therapy or scheduled for surgery. There is no real customized care. That is what I want to change." With MSK Guide, a full comprehensive ultrasound exam is performed which puts the pa ents joints' in mo on and helps them see things that no other imaging can see. With very dynamic (moving) tes ng, the MSK Ultrasound can uncover issues that other tests or screenings couldn't get to otherwise. A er a highly specific diagnosis is made, the pa ent is given the op on to receive regenera ve therapy that works to restore structure and func on of damaged ssues that are detected via MSK Ultrasound. MSK Guide works alongside Arizona's most highly trained physicians who are experts in musculoskeletal injuries and how they translate on the ultrasound screen. The combina on of a crystal clear diagnosis along with pin- point needle placement is their recipe for success. One thing that really makes MSK GUIDE standout is their efficiency when it comes to the injec on process. "An injec on will only be effec ve, if the needle is properly directed." Jablon-O'Grady said. "If the injec on is not going into the damaged, problema c area, it is complete waste of me and money. Unless you can see through the surface of the skin, there is no way to be 100% accurate without clearly visualizing the underlying so ssue structures. MSK GUIDE specializes in the evalua on of shoulders, hips, knees, elbows and all of the moving parts of the body that are suscep ble to arthri s and tendon/ligament issues. The MSK GUIDE regenera ve medicine of choice is the u liza on of pure amnio c fluid. Amnio c fluid is comprised of high concentra ons of collagen substrates, cellular components, growth factors, an -inflammatory markers. Basically, all of the healing components our bodies' already produce only at a brand new, very potent level. "Amnio c fluid protects and nourishes the fetus in utero and this is exactly what our applica on is intended to do.," explained Jablon-O'Grady. "All of the elements that are found in amnio c fluid are known to facilitate movement of new cells to the site of injury and help accelerate healing of damaged ssue." Then amnio c fluid is injected into the damaged joint or so ssue and begins to work immediately crea ng new cells and blood flow to the area being treated. It is not a quick fix or numbing agent. The process can take between 4-6 weeks un l pain diminishes significantly but it is well worth it for the longevity of relief. The goal of the injec on is to create a healthy environment where its' placed, decrease pain and increase mobility. Since star ng MSK Guide, Jablon- O'Grady has been approached numerous mes about expanding her business into a franchise but by doing that she would lose the personalized approach that gave her the push to open MSK Guide in the first place. "One of my favorite things about what I do is that I am there from day 1 for my pa ents and I am with them every step of the way. I want my pa ents to have personalized care and the only way that I can do that is by being in the loop of each and every pa ent that we treat." Speaking of loops, MSK Guide has become very popular within the roping community in Arizona and around the country. Rachel, who grew up in New Jersey, has always had a love for horses. A er moving to Arizona, Rachel began to take a liking to team roping and would go with her father to the local ropings in Cave Creek just to watch. Soon enough she became a student of Professional Team Roper Mike Beers and was immediately hooked. Mostly to the bonds she developed with the roping community (according to Rachel, she does not want to be known for her roping skills!). "Being intertwined in the roping community, MSK Guide has developed a strong following with the horse community in general," Jablon-O'Grady explained. "The ropers trust us and a lot of them have seen enormous results." It's because of Rachel's love for horses and her passion for helping people that she is working hard to bring MSK Guide to as many farmers and ranchers as she can. "Farming and ranching is an extremely underappreciated line of work and I feel a strong connec on to that group. My goal is for MSK Guide to help our farmers and ranchers stay mobile and as pain free as possible because they endure so much physically. Their work ethic is endless, their days are long and there are no days off. They don't deserve to be shuffled through the system or told their only op on is a joint replacement. That is what we are here for!" For more informa on on MSK Guide visit them at What You Need to Know About MSK Guide RICK STEED: "It makes winning easier when you're pain free." COLT BRUEGMAN: "This literally kept me in the saddle, without the care I received I simply would not be able to compete". TROY TILLARD: "I was to the point where my hip hurt too bad to even be in the saddle, thanks to MSK GUIDE I'm back to winning." JB LORD: "I didn't want my shoulders replaced but didn't think I had an op on, fortunately I did." WALLACE TOWNSEND: "The only regret I have is that I didn't have this done sooner." DENNY GENTRY: "I had shoulder work earlier in the year and couldn't bring myself to replace the knee. I'm so glad I didn't, this was the perfect solu on for me."

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