March, 2024 • The WRANGLER • 3
Letter from the Publisher
The Family Tradition Continues... Since its inception, The WRANGLER has been the work product of a family.
Thirty seven years ago, the Moss Family brought the news from the rodeo trail to our mailboxes. In 2022, the
Moss family shared their creation with us, the DeLancey family. I will never forget the excitement we all shared
when we took over the reins of such a special publication.
We were on an incredible journey. We have learned so much over the past two years. We learned the ropes
together and as a family. Countless hours we have spent around our dining room table figuring out "the paper". In
the early days, we were so blessed to have Olie Moss and Brenna Ramsden alongside us as we "cut our teeth" as
publishers. Not only did they help us, but they taught us and we were so willing to learn. Through their kindness
and expertise, they helped make the learning curve not so steep for us. One of the things that I have enjoyed
most about publishing The WRANGLER is that everyday I have learned something new. It was nice to learn from
the best. Thank you Olie and Brenna!
The March issue is when we turn the page. March is the last issue created by the DeLancey family. We hand
over a well oiled machine that has been an absolute joy for us to build, grow and move forward to help tell the
stories and expand the futurity industry. We have covered some amazing people and some incredible events.
Our guiding principle has always been, telling the stories that we would want to read ourselves. As stallion
owners and contestants, we have focused on practical, need to know info about the horse world. It has been an
incredible journey and we have enjoyed it! We have met so many fun people along the way and there are so
many talented people riding incredible horses.
The Werner family is just as passionate about horses, futurities, barrel racing, team roping and all things rodeo.
We feel great "passing the baton" to the next family for them to grow, learn and take The WRANGLER to the next
level. Thanks to all our friends, advertisers and loyal readers for the wonderful ride.
Cindy DeLancey
L-R: Beau, Cindy, Dave, & Raegen DeLancey
L-R: Alicia, Rhett, Miles, & Tayci Werner