The Wrangler Horse and Rodeo News


The WRANGLER Horse and Rodeo News is an equine and rodeo publication with circulation in Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota, Utah and Idaho.

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September, 2024 • The WRANGLER • 39 LAnder oLd timers rodeo AssociAtion PRESIDENT Paula McCormick VICE CHAIR John Gazso TREASURER Julie Freese SECRETARY Brenda Walker BOARD MEMBERS Tara Peter, Nancy Williams, Peggy Bartlett, Corbin Nicholls, Tyson Sims, Emery Day, Nick Comes, Lee Williams, Brenda Sims Join Us on Facebook LOTRA Rodeo Upcoming LOTRA Board/Member Meetings: September 4 & October 2: LOTRA member meetings 6:00, Fremont County Courthouse. Please attend to help plan for winter barn use and discuss cattle lease options with the roping committee. 2024/2025 LOTRA Barn Memberships: A LOTRA membership form for 2024/2025 will be on our website by end of August at https:// e member- ships start November 1, but you can pay in 3 installments starting August 31 if you prefer. LOTRA Winter 2024/2025 Calendar of Events (Updated 8-15-24) LOTRA Memorial Ropings: Contact Tara Peter (, 307-349-5844) & Julie Freese (, 307-349- 1981) LOTRA Barrel-Pole-Breakaway Jackpots: Contact Nick Comes (, 307-349-6450) LOTRA/CSSHA Sunday aernoon cattle practices: Contact Lee & Nancy Williams (, 307-760-5101) & Paula McCormick (, 307-851-1126) LOTRA Weekly Roping Practices: Tuesday and ursday evenings November through March. Contact Tara Peter (, 307-349-5844) Not listed below. 2024 Oct. 5 LOTRA Barrel-Pole-Breakaway Jackpot Oct. 19 LOTRA Barrel-Pole-Breakaway Jackpot Nov. 2 LOTRA Barrel-Pole-Breakaway Jackpot Nov. 9 LOTRA Barrel-Pole-Breakaway Jackpot Nov. 10 LOTRA/CSSHA Sunday 1-4 pm cattle practice Nov. 16 LOTRA Roping: Givens Memorial High Money Roping Nov. 24 LOTRA/CSSHA Sunday 1-4 pm cattle practice Nov. 30 LOTRA Roping: Bates/Peter Memorial Saddle Roping Dec. 7 LOTRA Barrel-Pole-Breakaway Jackpot Dec. 15 LOTRA/CSSHA Sunday 1-4 pm cattle practice Dec. 29 LOTRA/CSSHA Sunday 1-4 pm cattle practice 2025 Jan. 4 LOTRA Barrel-Pole-Breakaway Jackpot Jan. 11 LOTRA Roping: Fife Memorial High Money Roping Jan. 12 LOTRA/CSSHA Sunday 1-4 pm cattle practice Jan. 25 LOTRA Roping: Bodan Memorial High Money Roping Jan. 26 LOTRA/CSSHA Sunday 1-4 pm cattle practice Feb. 1 LOTRA Barrel-Pole-Breakaway Jackpot Feb. 8 LOTRA Roping: Chavez Memorial High Money Roping Feb. 9 LOTRA/CSSHA Sunday 1-4 pm cattle practice Feb. 15 LOTRA Barrel-Pole-Breakaway Jackpot Feb. 22 LOTRA Roping: Armajo Memorial Saddle Roping Feb. 23 LOTRA/CSSHA Sunday 1-4 pm cattle practice March 1 LOTRA Barrel-Pole-Breakaway Jackpot March 9 LOTRA/CSSHA Sunday 1-4 pm cattle practice March 15 LOTRA Roping: Ruby Memorial Saddle Roping March 22 LOTRA Barrel-Pole-Breakaway Jackpot March 23 LOTRA/CSSHA Sunday 1-4 pm cattle practice April 5 LOTRA Barrel-Pole-Breakaway Jackpot BARN NEWS and MAINTENANCE: ere is interest from some LOTRA members to have trail obstacle practices this winter. Con- tact Nancy Williams at lnwilliams14@yahoo. com if you are interested in participating and helping to put on trail obstacle practices. anks to the LOR Foundation grant, LOTRA purchased a Black Widow groomer. e LOTRA members - and their horses - are enjoying our improved arena ground. We are grooming the indoor arena about 5 times per week! is has improved our riding experience with better footing and dust control. Please clean up aer your horses and your own cattle. We are actively working to make more im- provements this year. e LOR Foundation gave LOTRA a $26,000 grant for improvements to our barn and programs. e board is work- ing on the projects to use the remaining funds. Ideas include laser lights to reset barrels, a rake for our tractor bucket for grooming the roping boxes, LED lighting, concrete around the roping cattle chute, and materials for trail class obstacles. Please provide your input at the next LOTRA board meeting on how to use the re- maining funds. So far, the LOR grant purchased the Black Widow groomer, an improved roping chute, a saddle for the Jackpot series awards this past spring, a new computer, paid for the arena ground consultant, scholarship memberships for the Lander Pioneer Days Royalty, and fund- ed our new website. We also received grants from the Lander Rec Board and the Fremont County Rec Board, which will be used to con- tinue to replace the 40-year-old barn roof. Photo Caption: 130th Fremont Toyota Pioneer Days Rodeo, known as "The World's Oldest Paid Rodeo," was held on July 3rd and 4th in Lander Wyoming to full bleachers. Highlights included the iconic Indian Relay Races, Mini-Bull Riding, Breakaway Roping, and all the traditional rodeo events. Contestant results are at Photo credit: Nate Shoutis/Lander Community Foundation

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