mAy 26 - REXBuRG id - $200 added in open 4d barrels. Time Onlys 6pm; 8 and
under -3D 7:45 pm followed by 9 thru 13 - 3D , Open 4D and 15/40 3D
juNE 17 REXBuRG, id - $200 Added in open 4d barrels. Time onlys 6pm; 8 &
under 3D 7:45 pm followed by 9 thru 13- 3D, Open and 15/40 3D
juNE 18 REXBuRG, id - $300 added in open 4d barrels. Time onlys 10am;
8 & under ($50.00 added) 12pm followed by 9 thru 13 ($50 added), open, 15/40 3D ($50
added) and 3D poles in open, 8 & under and 9 thru 13 classes $50 added in open, $50 in
8 and under and 9 thru 13.
AuGusT 3 sANdy doWNs idAHo FALLs, id
AuGusT 11 REXBuRG ,idAHo FiNAL RAcE - saddle and prize drawing.
saddle and prize drawing rules: You will get a ticket for each race you enter on each horse
you enter and in each class you enter. so if you enter 15/40 and open you get a ticket in
each drawing.
You can only win ONe saddle. if you get drawn for 2 saddles you can pick which one you
want. We will draw for various prizes also! You must be present to win or have someone
pick up your saddle or prize!
To enter any of these races text or call Ashley 208 569 5272 or Carol @ 208 681 1236 or
e-mail Carol or Ashley
juNE 30 REXBuG, id - $200 added in open 4d. Time onlys 6-7:30pm followed
8 & under 3D followed by 9 thru 13 3D; Open 4D and 15/40 3D barrels
juLy 15 sANdy doWNs ARENA, idAHo FALLs, id - This weekend sponsored
by Robinson Constructon (Orem, UT - $200 added in open 4D barrels. Time
onlys 5-7pm; 8 & under 3D followed by 9 thru 13 3D; Open 4D and 15/40 3D
Entries for july 15th 16th 17th must be postmarked by july 8th 2016
juLy 16 sANdy doWNs ARENA idAHo FALLs, id - Run for the Gold day
(Childhood cancer awareness day). We will be giving prizes to the best dressed in
gold 8 and under. 9 thru 13 and 15/40 classes July 16th.
Silent auction this day with all proceeds going to St Judes for Childhood
Cancer Research.
Auction Items would be appreciated!
$2000.00 added in open 5d barrels
Time onlys 10-11:45am; 12 pm 8 & under 3D barrels ($100 added) followed by 9 thru 13
4D barrels, $500 added; 2pm Open 5D barrels followed by 15/40 3D ($100 added) and 3D
poles ($100 added in open) $50 added in 8 and under and 9 thru 13 3D poles
juLy 17 sANdy doWNs ARENA idAHo FALLs, id
$2000.00 added in open 5d barrels
Tme onlys 10-10:45am; 11am 8 & under 3D ($100 added) followed by 9 thru
13 4D barrels ($500 added); 12:30 PM Open 5D and 15/40 ($100 added)
For more information
FAX # 208 785 5120 cell 208 681 1236 or 208 569 5272
Also visit
e-mail or