The Wrangler Horse and Rodeo News

8-05-24 WRANGLER

The WRANGLER Horse and Rodeo News is an equine and rodeo publication with circulation in Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota, Utah and Idaho.

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40 • The WRANGLER • August, 2024 Wyoming Quarter horse association For Memberhip Form go to PRESIDENT Sharon Bailey hujomom68@gmailcom VICE PRESIDENT Adair Walker SECRETARY Nicole Ballenger TREASURER Susan Nelson YOUTH ADVISOR Lindsay and Jan Guynn BOARD MEMBERS Linda Henderson, Terry McDowell, Sarah Camphell, Stacy Thomas, BeLynn Johner, Mark Guynn CONQHA LIASON AnneMarie Johnson AQHA National Directors Stuart Thompson, Krystal Peterson, Jenny Ingwerson-Niemann Dues may be paid online or sent to: Susan Nelson PO Box 581 Niwot, CO 80544 Wyoming Quarter Horse Associ- ation's Cowboy Summer Classic, held July 10-14 in Douglas, WY kicked off on July 9 with a Ranch Riding and Ranch Trail Clinic offered by AQHA Profession- al Horseman and Judge Cyndi Robbins of Big Piney, Wyoming. at's Cyndi in the photo on her mare Light Em Up Jane. Partic- ipants received demonstrations, tips and individualized advice for executing the ranch riding pattern at the next day's show. Cyndi was particularly effective at tailoring suggestions to improve their pat- terns to the wide range of abilities and experiences of the partici- pants and their horses. e clinic also covered the show's ranch trail pattern. Participants were able to maneuver each obstacle they would see the next day at the show and practice executing it to the best of their horses' abilities. WQHA is extremely grateful to Cyndi Robbins for contribut- ing her time and expertise. Her commitment and knowledge not only refined each rider's skills but also set a tone of positivity for the upcoming show days. Hopefully she'll do it again next year! ree youth members were able to participate in the clinic thanks to sponsorships offered by WQHA Board Member Terry McDowell, an excellent ranch riding exhibitor herself. As they are at so many AQHA shows around the country, the ranch riding, rail, and trail classes are becoming the most popular and most competitive events. If you already show in these classes or would like to try your hand at them, please join WQHA and attend our Douglas and other approved shows to earn points to- ward fabulous end-of-year awards! You can join WQHA easily on the website at: Watch upcoming editions of Wrangler for final results and cir- cuit awards for all youth, amateur, and open classes offered at the 6-judge Cowboy Summer Classic. American Quarter Horse Regional Championship Region Two, Rapid City South Dakota, September 11-15, 2024. http://www.aqhare- Please note: Region Two is WQHA's first approved show of the 2025 show season. Please join or renew your WQHA membership prior to the show for your WQHA points to count! AQHA Professional Horseman Cyndi Robbins Kicked off WQHA Cowboy Summer Classic with Ranch Riding and Ranch Trail Clinic

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